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Text fields let users enter and edit text.



import { TextField } from "@seduo/design-system";
<TextField id="example_text" type="text" label="Label" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" />
<TextField id="example_password" type="password" label="Password" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" hasPasswordToggle />
<TextField id="example_email" type="email" label="Email" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" />
<TextField id="example_filled" type="text" label="Label" name="example" value="filled" isRequired validationState="warning" validationText="Message" />
<TextField id="example_error" type="text" label="Label" name="example" isRequired validationState="danger" validationText="Message" />
<TextField id="example_success" type="password" label="Label" name="example" isRequired validationState="success" validationText="Message" hasPasswordToggle />
<Grid cols="2" desktop="3">
    <TextField id="example_text" type="text" label="Label" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" />
    <TextField id="example_password" type="password" label="Password" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" hasPasswordToggle />
    <TextField id="example_email" type="email" label="Email" name="example" placeholder="placeholder" />
    <TextField id="example_filled" type="text" label="Label" name="example" value="filled" isRequired validationState="warning" validationText="Message" />
    <TextField id="example_error" type="text" label="Label" name="example" isRequired validationState="danger" validationText="Message" />
    <TextField id="example_success" type="password" label="Label" name="example" isRequired validationState="success" validationText="Message" hasPasswordToggle />


Name Type Default Required Description
autoComplete bool - no Automated assistance in filling
hasPasswordToggle bool - yes If true, the type is set to password and a password toggle is shown
helperText string - no Custom helper text
id string - no Input and label identification
inputWidth number - no Input width
isDisabled bool - no Whether is field disabled
isLabelHidden bool - no Whether is label hidden
isRequired bool - no Whether is field required
label string - no Label text
name string - no Input name
pattern string - no Defines regular expressions for allowed value types
placeholder string - no Input placeholder
ref ForwardedRef<HTMLInputElement> - no Input element reference
type [email | number | password | search | tel | text | url] - no Input type
UNSAFE_className string - no Wrapper custom class name
UNSAFE_style CSSProperties - no Wrapper custom style
validationState Validation dictionary - no Type of validation state
validationText [string | string[]] - no Validation text
value string - no Input value
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