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Use Radio when you have a group of mutually exclusive choices and only one selection from the group is allowed. It has input and label. It can be disabled or have an error state. The label can be hidden.



<Radio id="example" name="example" label="Label text" isChecked />
<Radio id="example2" name="example" label="Label text" />
<Radio id="example3" name="example" label="Label text" isDisabled />
<Radio id="example" name="example" label="Label text" isChecked />
<Radio id="example2" name="example" label="Label text" />
<Radio id="example3" name="example" label="Label text" isDisabled />

API for React

Name Type Default Required Description
autoComplete string - no Automated assistance in filling
id string - yes Input and label identification
isDisabled boolean - no Whether is field disabled
isChecked boolean - no Whether is field checked
isItem boolean - no To render in Item mode
isLabelHidden boolean - no Whether is label hidden
label string - no Label text
name string - no Input name
ref ForwardedRef<HTMLInputElement> - no Input element reference
validationState Validation dictionary - no Type of validation state
value string - no Input value

API for Twig

Name Type Default Required Description
autocomplete string null no Automated assistance in filling
helperText string null no Custom helper text
id string null no Input and label identification
inputProps string[] [] no Pass additional attributes to the input element
isChecked bool false no If true, input is checked
isDisabled bool false no If true, input is disabled
isItem bool false no To render in Item mode
isLabelHidden bool false no If true, label is hidden
label string — yes* Label text
name string null no Input name
UNSAFE_helperText string null no Unescaped custom helper text
UNSAFE_label string — yes* Unescaped label text
validationState Validation dictionary null no Type of validation state
value string null no Input value

(*) Label is required. You can use the label for simple text or UNSAFE_label for HTML content.