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on this page you will find an overview of individual changes in versions


  • [BC] Update Major versions @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^2.2.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^2.0.2,
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^2.2.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^3.2.0
  • Update npm dependencies cypress & utils


  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.14.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.1.6,
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.17.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.15.0
  • Update lmc/coding-standard - ^4.1
  • Update docs php version to 8.3



  • Introduce DropdownModern component
  • Introduce TooltipModern component


  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.13.1
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.1.5,
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.16.1
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.14.1
  • Upgrade docs Symfony to 6.4
  • Change Docs build to Vite
  • Update Figma embed links in Docs
  • Move Unit tests to Vitest


  • Add new icon spinner to icon set


  • [BC] Rename icon name from list-catagory to list-category
  • Export all scss tokens to Javascript
  • Add isScrollable property option to disable scrolling inside Modal component
  • Add isFluid property to FieldGroup component
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.11.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.13.1
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.12.0
  • Fix disabling scrollable page when Modal is open
  • Add Dependabot configuration to project
  • Add new icon seduo to icon set


  • Add peer dependency html-react-parser package in version ^5.1.0
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.10.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.12.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.11.0


  • Fix completion of the missing spaces token in the typescript type


  • [BC] Drop support innerShadow prop in ContentBox
  • Refactoring implementation of shadow, borderRadius and padding props in ContentBox component and allow responsive values and all design tokens
  • Refactoring implementation of color prop in Dot component to allow design tokens
  • Introduce NoSsr component (only React)
  • Change $body-* tokens font-weight from 700 to 600 (to fit with the Figma)
  • Introduce spacing prop into Stack component
  • Export colors, radius, spaces, breakpoints variables into css tokens
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.8.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.1.3
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.10.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.9.0
  • Update icons from figma


  • Change build UI tool from Webpack to Vite
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.6.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.1.2
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.8.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.7.0


  • [BC] Drop support react 17
  • [BC] Update NodeJS version to 20 from 18 in docker container
  • [BC] Update minimal version Node to >=20 and npm >=10 to build UI
  • Introduce IconOverlay component
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.4.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.0.3
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.6.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.3.1


  • Fix typo notification icons


  • Fix case sensitive icons


  • [BC] Drop support Alert camelCase icon names in iconName prop in React implementation
  • [BC] Drop body-*-link scss tokens
  • [BC] change $radius-500 token to $radius-700. This affect values in property borderRadius in ContentBox component
  • Expansion $radius-* token scale with new variants

    -$radius-500: 50%;
    +$radius-500: 16px;
    +$radius-600: 24px;
    +$radius-700: 50%;
  • Change icons name from camelCase to kebabCase (Icon components has Backward compatibility)
  • Introduce LinkButton component
  • Introduce FieldGroup component
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Add prop name to svg title into Icon component
  • Change default property hasSpacing value to true in Stack component after Spirit packages update to prevent breaking change.
  • Add data-spirit-toggle=accordion into Accordion component after Spirit packages update to prevent breaking change
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.0.2
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.2.1
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.3.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.3.0


  • [BC] incorporation of all migration changes from spirit
    • Change all data- attributes for javascript prefixed with data-spirit-
    • Rename component RadioField to Radio
    • Rename component CheckboxField to Checkbox
    • Rename prop validator_message to validation_text in Radio, Checkbox, TextField, TextArea components
    • Rename prop validationState value error to danger in Radio, Checkbox, TextField, TextArea components
    • Rename prop message to validationText in Radio, Checkbox, TextField, TextArea components
  • [BC] drop class or className property in all twig components. Using UNSAFE_className instead
  • [BC] drop className in all react components. Using UNSAFE_className instead
  • [BC] Add underline to hover and active states to default links
  • Button and ButtonLink components are support emotion colors
  • Pill component support Action colors
  • Add linkComponent property in Badge, BreadcrumbItem, PillSwitch components
  • Drop all html doc examples
  • Update All components properties in docs
  • Create type dictionaries
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^1.0.1
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^1.1.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^1.1.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^2.1.0
  • Bugfix href attribute in Badge twig component


  • Add Select component from Spirit
  • Add title property to AvatarGroup link
  • Update NodeJS version to 18 from 16 in docker container
  • Fix copy SSH keys from localhost to docker container
  • Rename JSX.Element to React.JSX.Element


  • [BC] drop support className prop in ImageBadge component use UNSAFE_className instead
  • Add onAfterClose property on UncontrolledAlert component
  • Add Accordion component from Spirit
  • Allow all icon from icons set into icon prop in ImageBadge component
  • Allow padding prop value 0 in ContentBox component
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.25.5
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.50.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.48.2
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.34.0
  • Update peer dependency react package to ^17.0.2 || ^18.2.0,
  • Update all npm dev dependencies
  • Doc run on non-root user in docker
  • Introduce new icons from figma


  • Change Modal Header title to Heading small


  • Bugfix size of Heading large text bold
  • Change Avatar large component heading to small


  • [BC] Heading and Body tokens refactoring
    • drop xxsmall for heading size (also in Skeleton component for Headings)
    • change size tokens from:
      $font-size-90: 0.75rem; // 12px
      $font-size-100: 0.813rem; // 13px
      $font-size-700: 1.75rem; // 28px
      $font-size-800: 2.25rem; // 36px
      $font-size-900: 3.125rem; // 50px


      $font-size-100: 0.75rem; // 12px
      $font-size-700: 2rem; // 32px
      $font-size-750: 2.25rem; // 36px
      $font-size-800: 2.5rem; // 40px
      $font-size-900: 3rem; // 48px
      $font-size-950: 3.125rem; // 50px
  • [BC] Drop dotColor property in PillSwitch component and allow using Icon and Dot inside.
  • Fix Links in Heading component
  • Fix RatingStars component in Safari
  • Fix set default color to primary into Text, Heading and Hero twig components
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.25.4
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.48.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.47.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.33.0
  • export useStyleProps hook from spirit
  • export types badgeColor and badgeSizes from spirit
  • update Dropdown docs
  • Refactoring docs:
    • Upgrade Symfony to 6.3
    • Upgrade PHP to 8.2
    • Remove sensio/framework-extra-bundle bundle
    • Change Routes from Annotations to Attributes
  • Update Cypress and Percy dependencies


  • Introduce Dot component
  • Introduce Tertiary Link
  • Introduce new icons NotificationsOffFilled and NotificationsOnFilled


  • [BC] drop support className props in Delimiter components use UNSAFE_className instead
  • [BC] drop support className props in ContentBox and ContentBoxDelimiter components use UNSAFE_className instead
  • Introduce emotion colors in typography components Text, Heading and Hero
  • Prop class or style marked as deprecated in twig implementation
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.45.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.44.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.30.0
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Refactoring Buttons:
    • Button/Small: Icon size changed to 24px
    • Text Style Body/Large/Button: Line height changed to 1.35 (135 %)
    • Text Style Body/Large/Button: Font size changed to 18px
    • Text Style Body/Small/Button: Font size changed to 16px
    • Text Style Body/Small/Button: Line height changed to 1.5 (150 %)
    • Text Style Body/Small/Badge: Line height changed to 1.2 (120 %)
  • Set default color to primary into Text, Heading and Hero components
  • Fix Modal footer padding top to 32px


  • Fix srcSet in twig implementation the Image component
  • Fix typo in docs


  • Introduce Modal component
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.44.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.42.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.28.1
  • Fix lazy class property in the Image component


  • [BC] change All components dictionary size from regular to medium
  • [BC] extend Icon sizes with XXXLarge and change XLarge from 48px to 40px , XXLarge from 64px to 48px and XXXLarge to 64px
  • Introduce component Delimiter
  • Refactor usage new component Delimiter into ContentBox
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.43.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.41.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.27.0
  • Update buttons styles by figma changes
  • Change ContentBox border color from $border-primary-hover to $border-primary-default
  • Update color scss tokens:
    • tokens $opacity-white and $opacity-black includes the entire range of opacity tokens
    • tokens $border-colors include the entire range of border colors tokens
    • tokens $background-colors include the entire range of border colors tokens
  • Introduce bg-* utility classes includes all background and brand colors
  • Introduce gap-x-* and gap-y-* utility classes
  • Change Badge XSmall size typography
  • Fix font-smoothing
  • Fix ImageBadge icon position
  • Fix Button square size
  • Remove unused $body-xsmall-badge token
  • Add check minimum requirements node and npm version for DS development
  • Upgrade cypress (to 12.7.0) and percy (to 1.20.3)
  • Update Typescript to 4.9.5
  • Change QA pipelines to Node 18
  • Update docs dependencies
  • Change link for lmc-eu spirit packages in sass


  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.42.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.40.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.26.0
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Allowing export of some hook, context and type from spirit
  • Allowing export some scss mixins
  • Replace scss typography mixin map-attributes to generate


  • Introduce new Icon size xlarge and xxlarge
  • Fix Text component elementType prop


  • Introduce UncontrolledAlert component
  • Introduce brand colors in typography
  • Introduce React implementation of Tooltip component
  • Introduce warning variant of component Alert
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.25.2
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.41.1
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.39.1
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.25.1
  • Fix link colors in Alert components
  • Fix docs text-align utility classes
  • Fix button small square
  • Fix RatingStars console warning for Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Change Body Large Texts line-height from 1.5 to 1.55


  • [BC] Change PartnersImages to AvatarGroup
    • change prop images to avatars in AvatarGroup component
    • add small size in AvatarGroup component and change the dimensions of the other sizes
    • fix AvatarGroup for lazy loading
  • Introduce Avatar component
  • Introduce Collapse components
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.25.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.39.1
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.37.1
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.23.0
  • Upgrade docs Symfony to 6.2
  • add script for build arm64 images locally and command make build-arm-base
  • bugfix init cypress in command make init
  • Add display-* utility classes


  • Add support React 18
  • Update React 18 in docs examples
  • Introduce TextArea component
  • Introduce Dropdown component
  • Introduce PartnersImages component
  • Introduce Link and Link-underline scss tokens
  • Introduce responsive in Breadcrumb component
  • Redesign Spinner component
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.24.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.37.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.35.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.20.0
  • Update dev dependencies and refactoring styles
  • Add new configuration spiritStyles in build.config.js for automatic generate components/spirit.scss
  • Add new shadow style $shadow-50
  • Introduce new icons from figma


  • Introduce new icons from figma


  • [BC] docs in php 8
  • [BC] rename color scss tokens to spirit name convention
  • [BC] drop token $background-cover-active
  • [BC] drop unnecessary position property in ButtonIcon and BadgeIcon components
  • update color tokens from figma
  • update typography tokens $body-large-button $body-medium-button and $body-small-button font-weight to semi-bold
  • Introduce $body-xsmall-button typography token
  • Redesign RatingStars component and introduce large size
  • Introduce clickable RatingStars component variant
  • Introduce PillSwitch small variant
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Improve docs navigation
  • Command to automatic generation docs/foundation/ from scss tokens
  • Update Pill component documentation
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.22.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.31.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.28.0
    • lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - ^1.14.0
  • Bugfix wrap text on multiple lines in Button


  • [BC] Update Tabs components implementation from Spirit
  • [BC] Remove narrow preset of Grid in favour of product-specific layouts (64f5588)
  • [BC] Icon component replace by component from Spirit
    • remove unnecessary svg2react-icon package
    • Add IconsContext from spirit and create own wrapper
    • refactoring generate icons & add contribution guide
  • Introduce new icons from figma
  • Introduce size property into Icon component
  • Introduce color property into Text, Heading and Hero components
  • Introduce redesigned ProgressBar component
  • Update composer package lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - 1.12.0 and fix as minimum version
  • Remove Hotfix component Link classes
  • Update @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.26.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.24.0


  • Update all icons from figma
  • Redesign ProgressIndicator component


  • Bugfix Button and ButtonLink size in twig implementation
  • Bugfix ButtonLink disabled attribute


  • Fix ButtonLink href attribute
  • Hotfix component Link classes


  • Introduce RadioField component
  • Introduce Tooltip component
  • Introduce Pill component
  • Introduce informative type of Alert component
  • Change EnvelopeOpen icon
  • Change border color in Badge component
  • Change active underscore color to Brand/Primary in Tabs component
  • Change default text color to Text/Secondary/Default in Tabs component
  • Change text style to Body/Medium/Button in PillSwitch component
  • Add spirit accessibility helpers
  • Update all @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.20.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.25.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.23.0
  • Update composer package lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle - 1.9.0


  • Add Tabs components
  • Add xsmall size into Badge component
  • Add CheckboxField component
  • Refactoring Badge sizes
  • Update all @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.18.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.22.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.20.2
  • Update all UI dev dependencies
  • Update all icons from figma icon set


  • Bugfix skeleton image placeholder in safari
  • Bugfix focus on buttons
  • Bugfix to make the skeleton in twig implementation and react uniform


  • Add Breadcrumb and BreadcrumbItem components
  • Add disabled color into palette in Icon component
  • Add gap-* space utility classes for spaces
  • Add justify-content-* and align-items-* utility classes
  • Add flex-* utility classes for flex wrap and direction
  • Update all @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.17.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.20.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.18.0
  • Update @symfony/webpack-encore to ^2.1.0
  • Update minor version of all UI and docs npm dependencies
  • Remove ImageBadge component margin-right
  • Remove mx and my utility classes because its now provided from Spirit


  • [BC] Button block is now display: flex
  • Bugfix icon position in block button
  • Bugfix button icon space from space-300 to space-400


  • Add property color into Icon component
  • Add ButtonIcon component
  • Improve icon size according to button size
  • Bugfix Skeleton gradient
  • Refactoring icon component inside Badge, Button, ImageBadge component


  • [BC] Refactoring generating dist files and change compile module from commonjs to es2020
  • Add Skeleton and SkeletonImage components
  • Bugfix badge icon position on iPad device
  • Bugfix documentation scroll on hash with pages with figma iframe
  • Add for components examples visual testing
  • Refactoring Theme props in ImageBadge, Spinner


  • Bugfix Icon name camelCase again because the previous version did not work


  • Change twig filter capitalize -> title for resolve Icon name


  • [BC] Add root style for ul -> list-style: inside;
  • Bugfix Disable Button default outline for tab key press


  • Bugfix BadgeIcon class property
  • Bugfix Icon case-insensitive icon name


  • Update all @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.16.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.19.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.17.0
  • Update colors & shadow tokens from figma
  • Add opacity tokens from figma
  • Add PillSwitch component
  • Add Spinner component
  • Add TextField component
  • Add twig implementation of component BadgeIcon
  • Update icons Home, HomeFilled and Categories
  • Add margin auto utility classes
  • Change ImageBadge opacity to 60%
  • export Password js script from @lmc-eu/spirit-web
  • Refactoring BadgeIcon & ImageBadge icons implementation


  • Bugfix types & interface in components


  • Add lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle ^1 to require in composer package
  • Add isRounded property into Image component


  • Change ContentBox and ContentBoxDelimiter border color to darken
  • Bugfix ImageOverlay show content in position


  • Add ContentBoxDelimiter component
  • Bugfix ContentBox flex direction


  • Add ContentBox component
  • Add circle property into Image component
  • Add bordered property into ImageOverlay component
  • Refactoring Image component
  • Refactoring twig implementation of ImageOverlay component
  • Add $border-width-300 token
  • Optimize utilities for generating components


  • Update all @lmc-eu/spirit packages:
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-design-tokens - ^0.15.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web - ^0.18.0
    • @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react - ^0.16.0
  • Change ProgressBar and ProgressIndicator size values to small medium large
  • Add new radius tokens
  • Add new shadow tokens
  • Add twig implementation of component Icon
  • Add title property into Icon component
  • Refactoring icons in RatingStars component
  • Remove duplicate icon PlayCircleFilled2
  • Update lmc/spirit-web-twig-bundle to version 1.7.0 in docs app


  • Allow mainProps id, data-*, aria-* on Badge component
  • Add RatingStars component
  • Add ProgressBar and ProgressIndicator components
  • Remove Subtitle component
  • Bugfix props types in Heading and Hero components
  • Bugfix icons in Badge component
  • Refactoring useClassNamePrefix hook in multiple components
  • Update all spirit packages


  • Add all icons set from figma
  • Refactoring ImageBadge icons


  • Add itemProp to Heading
  • Add size small to ImageBadge



  • Add Image, ImageBadge, ImageOverlay components
  • Add Alert, Text, Heading, Hero components
  • Add Badge svg icons
  • Bugfix Badge props color
  • Add Spirit utilities classes
  • Add Inter Semi Bold font
  • Update all spirit packages


  • Bugfix few errors in docs app
  • Add figma examples in documentation
  • Rename Typography section to foundation in documentation
  • Add active highlight for sections in header
  • Add files for section
  • Add heading anchor links on hover
  • Add make generate-example command
  • Add file


  • Change docs and new version script


  • Bugfix line-height in ButtonLink with size largeand block attributes


  • Remove unused Tag component
  • Add Button size large
  • Remove bootstrap and reactstrap as dependency
  • Add normalize.css dependency
  • Refactoring typography


  • Add Stack component from Spirit
  • Update all @lmc-eu packages to the latest versions
    • [BC] Add is prefix for all boolean props
  • Reimplement Button and ButtonLink components by Spirit hooks
  • Bugfix docs environment variable in deployment