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FieldGroup is a component that groups form fields together. Additionally, it provides a common label, helper text, and validation messages for all fields in the group.



import { Checkbox, FieldGroup } from "@seduo/design-system";
<FieldGroup label="Label">
    <Checkbox id="checkbox1" label="Checkbox Label" name="checkboxDefault" isChecked />
    <Checkbox id="checkbox2" label="Checkbox Label" name="checkboxDefault" />
<FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label">
    <Checkbox id="checkbox1" label="Checkbox Label" name="checkboxDefault" isChecked />
    <Checkbox id="checkbox2" label="Checkbox Label" name="checkboxDefault" />


Name Type Default Required Description
form string null no Parent form ID
helperText string null no Custom helper text
id string - yes Group and label identification
isDisabled bool false no If true, the group is disabled
isFluid bool - no If true, the element spans to the full width of its parentd
isLabelHidden bool false no If true, label is hidden
isRequired bool false no If true, the group is marked as required
label string - yes Label text
name string null no Group name
UNSAFE_className string - no Wrapper custom class name
UNSAFE_style CSSProperties - no Wrapper custom style
validationState Validation dictionary null no Type of validation state
validationText [string | string[]] null no Validation text
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