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This component extends the regular link and use it if you want to make a button that looks like a link



import { LinkButton } from "@seduo/design-system";
<LinkButton onClick={() => {}} color="primary">Primary Link</LinkButton>
<LinkButton onClick={() => {}} color="secondary">Secondary Link</LinkButton>
<LinkButton onClick={() => {}} color="tertiary">Tertiary Link</LinkButton>
{% embed "@seduo-design-system/linkButton.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'primary',
    onClick: 'alert(\'clicked!\');'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Primary Link
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

{% embed "@seduo-design-system/linkButton.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'secondary',
    onClick: 'alert(\'clicked2!\');'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Secondary Link
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

{% embed "@seduo-design-system/linkButton.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'tertiary',
    onClick: 'alert(\'clicked3!\');'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Tertiary Link
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
<LinkButton onClick="alert('clicked!');" color="primary">Primary Link</LinkButton>
<LinkButton onClick="alert('clicked2!');" color="secondary">Secondary Link</LinkButton>
<LinkButton onClick="alert('clicked3!');" color="tertiary">Tertiary Link</LinkButton>

Available props

Prop name Type Default Required Description
color Action link colors primary no Color of the link
isUnderlined bool false no Whether is the link underlined
isDisabled bool false no Whether is the link disabled
onClick React.MouseEventHandler, string null no JS function to call on click
ref ForwardedRef<HTMLButtonElement> - no Button element reference
elementType React.Element button no HTML tag
UNSAFE_className string - no Wrapper custom class name
UNSAFE_style CSSProperties - no Wrapper custom style
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