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Alert presents feedback or important information to users.



import { Alert } from "@seduo/design-system";
<Alert color="success" iconName="check-circle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="danger" iconName="alert-triangle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="warning" iconName="alert-triangle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="informative" iconName="info-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
{% embed "@seduo-design-system/alert.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'success',
    iconName: 'check-circle-filled'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed "@seduo-design-system/alert.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'danger',
    iconName: 'AlertTriangleFilled'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed "@seduo-design-system/alert.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'warning',
    iconName: 'AlertTriangleFilled'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
{% embed "@seduo-design-system/alert.twig" with { props: {
    color: 'informative',
    iconName: 'InfoFilled'
}} %}
    {% block content %}
        Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
<Alert color="success" iconName="check-circle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="danger" iconName="alert-triangle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="warning" iconName="alert-triangle-filled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>
<Alert color="informative" iconName="InfoFilled">Hey! <strong>Pay</strong> attention! <a href="#">Click Here</a></Alert>


Prop name Type Default Required Description
color Emotion Color dictionary success no Color of the component
iconName string Based on color no Icon used in Alert
isCentered bool false no If true, Alert is centered
UNSAFE_className string - no Wrapper custom class name


And if you are not a fan of using state, you can always use UncontrolledAlert.


import { UncontrolledAlert } from "@seduo/design-system";
<UncontrolledAlert color="success" iconName="check-circle-filled" visibilityTimeout={5000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Success</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 5 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="danger" iconName="alert-triangle-filled" visibilityTimeout={7000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Danger</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 7 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="warning" iconName="alert-triangle-filled" visibilityTimeout={9000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Warning</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 9seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="informative" iconName="info-filled" visibilityTimeout={11000}>Hey! <strong>Info</strong> without fade and visibility timeout in 11 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="success" iconName="check-circle-filled" visibilityTimeout={5000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Success</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 5 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="danger" iconName="alert-triangle-filled" visibilityTimeout={7000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Danger</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 7 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="warning" iconName="alert-triangle-filled" visibilityTimeout={9000} fade={true}>Hey! <strong>Warning</strong> with fade and visibility timeout in 9seconds</UncontrolledAlert>
<UncontrolledAlert color="informative" iconName="info-filled" visibilityTimeout={11000}>Hey! <strong>Info</strong> without fade and visibility timeout in 11 seconds</UncontrolledAlert>

Extra uncontrolled properties

Prop name Type Default Required Description
visibilityTimeout number undefined no After which time it will be automatically hidden from view
fade bool false no Define fade effect will be applied to show and hide
onAfterClose () => void undefined no After closing the alert

In twig implementation you need to initialize javascript first

  import { Alert } from '@seduo/design-system/scripts';
      (alertNode) => new Alert(alertNode),