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Special type of badges, which can only be used in the ImageOverlay component.



import { ImageBadge } from "@seduo/design-system";
<ImageBadge icon="New" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="Favorite" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="BestSeller" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="success" />
<ImageBadge icon="Trending" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="TopPrice" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="informative" />
<ImageBadge icon="Webinar" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="Education" text="Badge" theme="dark" />
<ImageBadge icon="New" text="Badge" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="Favorite" text="Badge" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="BestSeller" text="Badge" color="success" />
<ImageBadge icon="Trending" text="Badge" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="TopPrice" text="Badge" color="informative" />
<ImageBadge icon="Webinar" text="Badge" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="Education" text="Badge" />
{% include "@seduo-design-system/imageBadge.twig" with { props: {
    theme: 'dark',
    text: 'Badge',
    color: 'warning',
    icon: 'New',
}} %}
<ImageBadge icon="New" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="Favorite" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="BestSeller" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="success" />
<ImageBadge icon="Trending" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="TopPrice" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="informative" />
<ImageBadge icon="Webinar" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="Education" text="Badge" theme="dark" />
<ImageBadge icon="New" text="Badge" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="Favorite" text="Badge" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="BestSeller" text="Badge" color="success" />
<ImageBadge icon="Trending" text="Badge" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="TopPrice" text="Badge" color="informative" />
<ImageBadge icon="Webinar" text="Badge" color="danger" />
<ImageBadge icon="Education" text="Badge" />


ImageBadges come in two different sizes: small and regular. The regular size is the default and most frequently used option. Use the other sizes sparingly.


import { ImageBadge } from "@seduo/design-system";
<ImageBadge icon="FlashFilled" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="FlashFilled" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" size="small" />
{% include "@seduo-design-system/imageBadge.twig" with { props: {
    theme: 'dark',
    text: 'Badge',
    color: 'warning',
    icon: 'FlashFilled',
}} %}

{% include "@seduo-design-system/imageBadge.twig" with { props: {
    theme: 'dark',
    text: 'Badge',
    color: 'warning',
    size: 'small',
    icon: 'FlashFilled',
}} %}
<ImageBadge icon="FlashFilled" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" />
<ImageBadge icon="FlashFilled" text="Badge" theme="dark" color="warning" size="small" />


Prop name Type Default Required Description
text string - yes text in badge
theme Theme dictionary light no badge theme
icon Education , Webinar, New , Favorite , TopPrice , BestSeller , Trending and all icons from Icons Set - no icon for allowed list
color Emotion Color dictionary - no possible emotion colors for icon
size medium, small medium no possible small and regular sizes
hex string - no custom colors for icon
UNSAFE_className string - no Wrapper custom class name
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